2nd Floor, Trade Winds Building,
Bay St, Nassau N.P, The Bahamas
P.O. Box N-7147
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Phone: | (242) 322-3220/8 or 322-2805/8 or 397-7000 |
- Philip Davis, K.C., Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
- David Cates, Permanent Secretary (Acting)
- Eugene Poitier, Permanent Secretary
Cabinet Office
Government Printing Department
Government Publications
Public Disclosure Commission
Other Areas of Responsibilities
Coordination of Ministries
Official Gazette
Government Publications
Printing and Stationery
The Bahamas Investment Authority
Hotel Encouragement Act
National Economic Council
The Cabinet Office is headed by the Secretary to the Cabinet, a politically neutral public servant. The Cabinet Office aims to ensure that the Government delivers its priorities in a timely and efficient way and that proper collective consideration takes place when it is needed before policy decisions are taken. Its goals are excellence in policy making and responsive, high quality public services. Areas of Responsibilities
- Cabinet Office
- Coordination of Ministries
- Government and Parliamentary Business
- Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Management
- Official Gazette
- Hansard
- Government Printing Department
- Government Publications
- Printing and Stationery
- Office of the Prime Minister
- Relations with Clifton Heritage Authority
- Bahamas Investment Authority
- Promotion, Facilitation and Administrative Processing of Investments
- Hotel Encouragement
- National Economic Council
- National Development Plan
The Secretary to the Cabinet is responsible for the functions of the Cabinet Office, including:
- Conducting and maintaining the central decision making processes of executive Government
- Providing secretariat services to Cabinet
- Attending all Cabinet meetings to records decisions taken
- Maintaining and preserving the records of successive Cabinets
- Managing transitions between administrations and supporting continuity of government
- Providing advice to the Prime Minister on central government constitutional, policy and administrative issues, especially those contained in the Manual of Cabinet and Ministry Procedure.
- For further information on the role of the Cabinet Office and the Secretary to the Cabinet see paragraphs Part V paragraphs 39 and 43 and Part VII paragraph 4 of the Manual of Cabinet and Ministry Procedure.
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Safety Advisory: All Vessels Operating South of Andros and in The South-Eastern BahamasSee details...
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