State Funerals

State funerals are categorized at three levels:

  • Level 1: State Funeral.
  • Level 2: Official Funeral.
  • Level 3: State Recognised Funeral.

State Funeral

The State Funeral, which is the highest level funeral, is offered to Governors-General, Prime Ministers serving and retired and to serving Cabinet Ministers.  The following are among services offered at State Funerals:

  1. Payment of all funeral expenses including mortuary costs.
  2. Printing of invitations and funeral booklets by the Government Printing Department.
  3. Required floral arrangements.
  4. Protocol Services.
  5. Live television and radio broadcast of the funeral service and burial (usually 1.5 hours in duration, but extended with the concurrence of the Government).
  6. Honour Guard comprising officers from both the Royal Bahamas Police Force and Royal Bahamas Defence Force.
  7. Lying in State at the House of Assembly inclusive of the signing of an official condolence and the provision of refreshments for the grieving family.
  8. Attendance by the Governor- General, Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Parliamentarians, Senate, Judiciary, Senior Corps of the Civil Service, Uniform
  9. Services and the Heads of Missions of the Diplomatic Corps. Officials march in procession from the House of Assembly to the church and from the church.
  10. Firing of 21 gun salute at the grave.

Official Funeral  

The Official Funeral, the second/intermediate level Government supported funeral, is accorded former Cabinet Ministers, as well as serving or retired Members of Parliament.  An Official Funeral offers the following:

  1. Payment of funeral costs up to a maximum of $10,000.00.
  2. Attendance by the Governor-General, the Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Parliamentarians and senior public officers.
  3. Live radio broadcast that may be recorded for future airing (usually 1.5hrs. in duration).
  4. Lying in State at the House of Assembly and signing of the Official Condolence Book.
  5. Police and Defence Force Honour Guard.
  6. Officials march in procession from the House Assembly to the funeral church and from the church to the cemetery.  

State Recognized Funeral

A State Recognized Funeral, the third level on the list of precedence of Government supported funerals, is accorded to Members of Parliament, inclusive of the Upper Chamber (the Senate), serving Permanent Secretaries and other high ranking public officials or civilians.  The services provided include:

  1. Live broadcast via radio.
  2. The attendance of representatives of the Cabinet, Parliamentarians and senior public officers.

The funeral date is determined following joint consultation between the Government and family of the deceased.


Church Cathedral is considered the Cathedral of the State; consequently, many state funerals are held here. This is not mandatory, however.  The family of the deceased statesman/public official/civilian is allowed to name the venue.

Public Attendance:

The general public is not restricted from attending state/official/state recognized funerals; however, it should be noted that seating at such funerals is reserved and accessed by invitation only.  A select section of the Cathedral is sometimes assigned as open seating for the public and is filled on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Additional covered seating is provided under tents erected adjacent to the church when necessary.  

For further information:
Please contact Mrs. Antoinette Brown,
Cabinet Office
Tel. (242) 322-3220
E-mail: or
National Events Unit:


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