A Telegraph Money Order allows the applicant to send money via the fax service to persons in the Family Islands.
- The minimum amount for each order is BS$ 0.05
- The maximum for each order is BS$1000.00
- Complete the relevant application form.
- Submit the form to The Clerk.
- Pay relevant fax fee ($1.00) one dollar.
- Pay three per cent commission fee.
- Customer is issued a receipt with mandatory number or money order number.
- The Clerk will then transfer the money to the relevant Post Office Location.
- VAT 10% on commission.
This service can be accessed at the following locations:
This service can only be accessed at the Savings Bank Money Order Section of the General Post Office in New Providence and the Family Islands Post Offices.
The General Post Office
Town Centre Mall
P. O. Box N- 8302
New Providence
The Bahamas
Email: bahamaspostoffice@bahamas.gov.bs
Tel. (242) 322-3344/322-1112/3
Fax. (242) 326-8667, 328-2220
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, except on Public Holidays
Application for Money Order Form.
- Completed application form.
- Documentation or Proof for bill payment using the Telegraph Money Order.
Ten to fifteen minutes.
Telegraph money orders can only be purchased at the Money Orders section during the hours 9:00am to 5:00pm. Monday to Friday.
Commission Fee: 3% of amount of money order purchase.
Fee: BS$1.00 for each fax
The General Post Office
Town Centre Mall
P. O. Box N- 8302
New Providence
The Bahamas
Email: bahamaspostoffice@bahamas.gov.bs
Tel. (242) 322-3344/322-1112/3
Fax. (242) 326-8667, 328-2220
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, except on Public Holidays
Town Centre Mall
P. O. Box N 8302
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Phone: (242) - 322-3344
Fax: (242) - 326-8667
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Safety Advisory: All Vessels Operating South of Andros and in The South-Eastern BahamasSee details...
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