Bahamas Laws On-Line is a database of consolidated Statutes and Subsidiary Legislation of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas amended up to 31st December, 2009.
Contents of this web site are provided by the Government of The Bahamas for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The Government of The Bahamas accepts no liability for actions arising from its use. Also, this website is not a substitute for PROFESSIONAL OR LEGAL ADVICE.
Useful Links on Laws Online
Chapter | Title | Description |
18 | Consular Relations and Commonwealth Officers Act | An Act to give effect to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations to provide for the privileges and immunities of Consular Officers and of officers of other countries of the Commonwealth performing Consular functions, and for purposes connected therewith. |
20 | Diplomatic Agents and Consular Officers (Oaths and Notarial Acts) Act | An Act to empower diplomatic agents and Consular Officers to administer oaths, take affidavits and to perform notarial acts. |
19 | Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act | An Act to confer immunities, powers and privileges on diplomatic representatives and for purposes connected therewith. |
24 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs Act | An Act relating to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to make the Minister responsible therefor a corporation sole; and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. |
192 | Passport Act | An Act regulating the issue of passports and other matters incidental thereto. |
22 | United States Economic Co-operation Administration Employees (Exemption From Taxation) Act | An Act to grant to employees of the Government of the United States of America assigned to duties in The Bahamas in connection with co-operative Technical Assistance Programmes and Projects and accompanying members of their families exemption from liability to pay certain taxes. |
21 | United States Technical Assistance Agreement (Immunities and Privileges and Exemption from Taxation) Act | An Act to grant to employees of the Government of the United States of America and to employees of the contractors of the said Government assigned to duties in The Bahamas under the Technical Assistance Agreement made between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of The Bahamas and to grant to the Government of the United States of America in connection with the said agreement, certain immunities and privileges and exemption from liability to pay certain taxes. |
Agency Notices
Public Service Announcement from The Passport OfficeSee details...
Chinese MOFCOM Scholarships AnnouncementSee details...
Extension - Chinese Government Scholarship Announcement 2018See details...
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