Financial and Corporate Service Providers (FCSP), Registered Agents (RAs) and the general public can change the name of an existing company through the Corporate Registry Section of the Registrar General’s Department.
- The Company must be listed on the Companies Registry and must be in good standing.
- The new name must have already been reserved.
- Registered Agents can access the Registrar General’s Agent Internet Module and apply online for the change in company name.
- Financial and Corporate Service Providers and the general public can visit the Companies Section at the Registrar General’s Department to request the name change and pay the relevant fee.
Note: This service is only available in Nassau and Grand Bahama at the Registrar General’s Department, except if done online by a Registered Agent.
There are no application forms for this service.
No supporting documents are required for this service.
72 hours, depending on if the company is in good standing.
There are no deadlines for this service.
For an International Business Corporation the fee is BS$100.00
For a Regular Company, the fee is BS$30.00
Registrar General’s Department
Cor. of Shirley and Charlotte Street
P.O. Box N 532
New Providence
The Bahamas
(242) 397-8959
(242) 397-8995
(242) 397-8958
(242) 397-8962
Fax. (242) 322-5553
Opening Hours: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Shirley House
#50 Shirley Street
P. O. Box N-532
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Phone: (242) - 397-9143-58
397-8953 397-9178
Fax: (242) - 322-5553
Safety Advisory: All Vessels Operating South of Andros and in The South-Eastern Bahamas IslandsSee details...
Safety Advisory: All Vessels Operating South of Andros and in The South-Eastern BahamasSee details...