Structure of the Branches of Government
Governor-General | Cabinet | Parliament | Prime Minister | The Judicial Department
The Constitution of the Bahamas is based on the Westminster Model; Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, The Executive Branch, The Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch.
As a member of the Commonwealth of Nations The Bahamas recognizes Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as Head of State. The Governor-General is Her Majesty’s representative in The Bahamas and constitutes a symbol of the nation’s unity.
The Cabinet constitutes the executive branch and has general direction and control of the Government of The Bahamas. It is necessary for the Cabinet to comprise at least nine Ministers inclusive of the Prime Minister and Attorney General.
Parliament constitutes the Legislative branch of The Bahamas, which consist of a Senate and a House of Assembly. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution, Parliament may make laws for the peace, order and good government of The Bahamas.
Judicial Authority is vested in the Judicature which comprises the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal with such jurisdiction, powers and authority as may be conferred on these Courts respectively by the Constitution or any other law.
Safety Advisory: All Vessels Operating South of Andros and in The South-Eastern Bahamas IslandsSee details...
Safety Advisory: All Vessels Operating South of Andros and in The South-Eastern BahamasSee details...