Performing Arts Regulations and Rules

Performing Arts Regulations and Rules

1 The Festival is divided into four general sections: Art & Crafts, Dance, Drama and Music.
2 Specific rules and regulations pertaining to these areas will be found under the relevant headings.
3 The Festival is open to all Bahamians and Residents of at least three months prior to the opening date of the Festival.
4 The Festival is open to amateur artists only, except where it is specifically indicated otherwise.
5 The Committee reserves the right to reclassify groups or individuals where it considers necessary.
6 No one may belong to more than one group in any one class.
7 Any director may present more than one group or individual, but no more than three, in any one class.
8 Participants must be bona-fide members of the organization they represent
9 Open class means open to persons of all ages.
10 Competitors are required to be in the hall at least 15 minutes before the class begins. The committee reserves the right to disqualify any entrant who is not ready when called.
11 The order of competition will be determined by ballot but the committee reserves the right to alter the order when necessary.
12 No performance will begin until the Adjudicator gives the signal.
13 All competitors must memorize their pieces, as no score/script will be allowed during the competition.
14 In classes where there is an age limit, the committee has the right to satisfy itself that the conditions relating to age are met. Age to be reckoned as that on the first day of the festival. Adults will be defined as persons 18 years of age and over.
15 All original entries must be the unaided work of the participant.

The maximum score attained by an entrant is 100 points, which shall be a perfect score. However:-

75 points represents a performance which is good
80 points represents merit
85 points represents distinction
90 points represents top honours.

This system will be used in all competitions.

17 The winning entrant in each class must receive 80% or over, in order to be eligible for a trophy.
18 All participants in The Festival will receive a Certificate of Participation
19 The adjudicator will inform the Secretary of the winners of each class each day
20 The decision of the adjudicators in judging in the competitions shall be final.

Participants are asked to check with the Festival Office for Festival dates and a list of set pieces for Drama and Music.

N.B. It is requested that these dates be adhered to in order to avoid payment of late entry fee. The committee reserves the right to reject any late entry.


All entries on the official form must be properly signed by the
participants or an official representative of the organization and these
forms must be accompanied by the appropriate fee and copies of pieces
selected for the Festival.

$20.00 Community groups
$10.00 Soloists - Community Division
$10.00 School groups
$ 5.00 Soloists (Schools)

23 Entry fees are not refundable.
24 No Entries will be accepted at the Adjudication Centre
25 The Payment of royalties and obtaining of performing rights where required is the responsibility of the participants.
26 Any communication concerning any aspect of the Festival should be made in writing to the Secretary, National Arts Festival, Ministry of Youth, Sports & Culture, P. O. Box N-10114, Nassau,Bahamas. One may also call Mrs. Patricia Bazard or Mrs. Keva Cartwright-Knowles, telephone number (242) 356-2691/2.
27 Participants are requested to contact the Festival Office for the
specific Dates of Adjudication.
28 Final Concerts of selected winners will be held at the end of the
29 The Committee reserves the right to alter or amend the rules as
30. Rules and set pieces applicable to specific sections and classes are listed on the following pages.

** No recording or picture-taking devices are allowed in the adjudication
centre except for the official press.

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