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Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

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Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Breast Feeding Classes for New Parents

New parents, that is, those having first pregnancy, attending antenatal clinic are offered classes (4 sessions) on breastfeeding. These sessions are conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere by Breastfeeding Facilitators located in every Community Health Clinics. Each session lasts approximately 1 hour. All new parents are welcomed!

Session 1 introduces current recommendations for breastfeeding. Expectant parents are taught the WHO and UNICEF recommendations of breastfeeding.

These include:

  • Exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months.
  • Avoiding formula, bottles, pacifiers and water.
  • Cup-feeding the baby.
  • Complementary feeding after 6 months.
  • Breastfeeding for the first 2 years of baby’s life.

Session 2 involves the anatomy of the breast and how it functions. The role of colostrum is taught. A diagram of the breast, as well as breast models are used to better get an understanding of the profound changes that occur in the breasts that enable milk production.

Session 3 introduces helpful and practical techniques in breastfeeding. This involves proper attachment and positioning for breastfeeding.

Session 4 completes the series by presenting the benefits of breastfeeding. These include benefits both to mother and baby, as well as the family as a whole; the benefits of breastfeeding extend beyond the family to encompass the community in general.


Breastfeeding Class Schedule


Community Health Centre

Day of Class

Ann’s Town Clinic Monday
Baillou Hill Road Clinic Tuesday/Thursday
Coconut Grove Clinic Friday
Elizabeth Estate Clinic Thursday
Flamingo Gardens Clinic Tuesday
Fleming Street Clinic Tuesday/Wednesday
South Beach Clinic Wednesday

*All classes are held at 8:00 – 9:00 am on days indicated.


Step-by-step Instructions

New mothers registering at the Antenatal Clinic are invited to attend breastfeeding classes along with their partners. Alternatively, contact the Breastfeeding Facilitator at your nearest Community Health Clinic to register directly for the programme.

  1. Attend first session.
  2. Register for other sessions during the first visit.
  3. Receive registration card containing class schedule and topics.
  4. Attend all subsequent sessions.
  5. Upon completion of all sessions, “graduate” and receive certificate of participation.
  6. Contact Breastfeeding Facilitator after the birth of baby for further support and help with implementation of recommendations.

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Agency Notices

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions