Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions


The Government's proactive growth and development policies are guided by The Bahamas Investment Authority (BIA). Operating from the Office of the Prime Minister, the BIA has been designated a "one-stop-shop" designed to simplify investing in The Bahamas. The Agency has a four-fold mandate to:

  • Develop investment policies.
  • Promote investment.
  • Evaluate project proposals.
  • Monitor projects and provide support.

The Bahamas Investment Authority also acts as the administrative arm of the National Economic Council (NEC) - a committee of Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister which meets bimonthly to decide on new investment proposals.

For more information please visit the website of The Bahamas Investment Authority (BIA).

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions


Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions