• -bs-The Government
  • +Hidden Pages
  • +bs-Ministry of Finance
  • +bs-Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development
  • +bs-Road Traffic Department
  • +bs-Registrar General Department
  • +bs-Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • +bs-Department of Immigration
  • +bs-Ministry of Public Works
  • +bs-Customs Department
  • -bs-Ministry of Health
  • +bs-Bahamas Investment Authority
  • +bs-Attorney General's Office
  • +bs-Bahamas Trade Commission
  • +bs-Data Protection Commissioner
  • +bs-Compliance Commission
  • +bs-Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation
  • +bs-Ministry of Youth, Sports, and Culture
  • bs-System Content
  • +bs-Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources
  • +bs-Ministry of National Security
  • +bs-Department of Housing
  • +bs-Department of Labour
  • +bs-Port Department
  • +bs-Department of Marine Resources
  • +bs-Cabinet Office
  • +bs-Ministry of Public Service
  • +bs-Bahamas National Geographic Information Systems
  • +bs-Bahamas Postal Service
  • +bs-Department of Cooperative Development
  • +bs-Ministry for Grand Bahama
  • +bs-Bahamas Department of Correctional Services
  • +bs-VAT Bahamas
  • +bs-Cellular Liberalisation Task Force
  • +bs-19th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers
  • +bs-Forestry Unit
  • +bs-Office of the Auditor General
  • +bs-Department of Statistics
  • +bs-Office of the Governor-General
  • +bs-41CCAAR
  • +bs-National Anti-Drug Secretariat
  • +bs-Public Financial Management & Performance Monitoring Reform
  • +bs-5th Meeting of the ACP Ministers in charge of Fisheries and Aquaculture
  • +bs-Department of Transformation and Digitization
  • +bs-Maritime Matters
  • +bs-Office Of The Director Of Public Prosecutions
  • +bs-Trafficking In Persons Secretariat

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

10 Steps to Healthy Ageing
  1. Live a healthy life - START NOW! It is never too late!
  2. Eat a balanced and healthy diet and keep physically active.
  3. Choose a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable about healthy ageing, and conditions that affect older people.
  4. Keep your mind active.
  5. Find out about the healthcare benefits available to you under government programmes, or your private insurance plan.
  6. Take advantage of prevention health programmes and services available in your community.
  7. Get involved in programmes in your own community that will help you live a healthy life.
  8. Stay socially engaged - volunteer your service in your neighbourhood with people of all ages.
  9. Make informed financial decisions - plan ahead for the older stages of life.
  10. Become informed about living arrangements such as assisted-living communities.

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Agency Notices

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions