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This permit allows persons to import poultry, meat, and eggs.


There are no eligibility criteria for this service.

  1. Applicant completes and submits the Application, in triplicate, for License to Import Goods - Plants and Flowers.
  2. Application reviewed for compliance and signed by competent authority
  3. Applicant pays the relevant fee.
  4. After approval, the applicant will be issued with the permit.
  5. Applicant submits approved sanitary certificate from the exporting country along with approved Import License to an Agricultural Inspector or Customs Officer at the Port of Entry.

Note: For Family Island applicants (except Grand Bahama and Abaco):

  • Applicant sends request to Administrator
  • Administrator email and/or fax application to DOA New Providence for processing
  • Application reviewed for compliance and signed by competent authority
  • Approved Permit emailed and/or faxed back to Administrator’s office
  • Applicant pays the relevant fee
  • Applicant receives approved permit.
  • Applicant submits approved sanitary certificate, from the exporting country, along with approved Import License to an Agricultural Inspector or Customs Officer at the Port of Entry.

This service can be accessed at the following location:

Department of Agriculture
Darville’s Business Complex
Gladstone and Munnings Roads
P.O. Box N-3028
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 397-7450/325-7438
Fax. (242) 325-3960
E-mail: minagriculturemarine@bahamas.gov.bs 
Opening hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

Family Island residents should apply to the resident Extension Officers (where applicable) or the Family Island Administrator for this service.

Resident Extension Officers and Contact Information.

Packing Houses:

Cat Island

Tel. (242) 342-2024

Contact Person: Ms. Virginia Romer    


Tel. (242) 336-2166

Fax. (242) 336-2168 

Contact Person: Island Administrator, Ivan Ferguson

Green Castle, Eleuthera

Tel. (242) 334-6014

Fax. (242) 334-6296

Contact Person: Ms. Bonnie Rolle

Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera

Tel. (242) 335-0189

Fax. (242) 335-0372

Contact Person: Mr. Robert Wilson

Long Island

Tel. (242) 337-3276

Fax. (242) 337-3270

Contact Person: Mrs. Santina Chea

North Eleuthera

Tel. (242) 335-1040

Fax. (242) 335-1041

Contact Person: Ms. Winfred Munroe

North Andros

Tel. (242) 329-4128

Fax. (242) 329-4128

Contact Person: Ms. Antoinette Pickstock              

Department of Agriculture


Tel. (242) 367-2240

Fax. (242) 367-4260

Contact Person: Mrs. Josefina Adderley-Curry 

Grand Bahama

Tel. (242) 352-2144

Fax. (242) 352-2145

Contact Person: Mrs. Melanie Williams  


Application Form(s) 

Application for License to Import Goods (Poultry, Meat, Dairy, and Eggs)

Supporting Documents 
  1. For Commercial Traders, nature of business must be specified and a valid Business License is required.
  2. Sanitary Certificate from country of export.


Turn-around time 
Application will be processed within two business days.
• Applicant must have approved Permit in hand prior to shipment arriving. • Permits are valid for fourteen days. Expiry dates are specified on each Permit.
Related Fee(s) 

For more information please contact 

All poultry applications must be sent to the Department of Agriculture in New Providence for approval. 


For more information please contact 

Department of Agriculture
Darville‘s Business Complex
Gladstone and Munnings Roads
P.O. Box N-3028
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 397-7450/325-7438
Fax. (242) 325-3960
E-mail: minagriculturemarine@bahamas.gov.bs 
Opening hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays


Complaints Process

If customers are not satisfied with service or have a dispute he/she should contact the local Manager/Officer via the emails stipulated above (Family Islands), or contact the Officer in Charge, Extension Services (New Providence).

If matter is not resolved, customer should contact Director of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture at 397-7450.

Further disputes can be addressed to Permanent Secretary, Corporate Office, Ministry of Agriculture at  397-7400, with the tag line Re: Customer Service Complaint – Dept. of Agri. – Meat Import License


Related Services



Agency Contact Info
Agriculture and Marine Resources, Ministry of
Out Island Traders Building
East Bay St
P. O. Box N-3040
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Phone: (242) 397-7400
Fax: (242) 322-8632 or 322-1767
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