Citizens and Residents

Persons who have lost personal belongings due to a house fire.

  • Persons earning minimum wage or below.
  • Bahamian citizen or permanent resident.
  • Over the age of 18.
  • The applicant must be the Head of the Household.
  1. The applicant makes a request at the Outreach Centre within their residential boundaries, or online via the DOSS webpage.
  2. The Social Service Representative (SSR) conducts an interview and a home visit to assess the applicant’s eligibility.
  3. The SSR completes a report and a recommendation is made about applicant’s eligibility.
  4. The SSR contacts and informs the applicant of eligibility.

Community Support Services Division Outreach Centres – four (4) locations in New Providence:-

Fox Hill Centre
Davis Building, Bernard Road
New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 364-2200

Pitt Road Centre
V.B. Munnings Building, Pitt Road
New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 326-1850

Robinson Road Centre
Alexander House, Robinson Road
New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 397-2524

Wulff Road Centre
Sunshine Plaza, Baillou Hill Road (temporary location)
New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 604-4200
Office hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Family Island applicants may apply for services at the local DOSS’ sub-office on the island where they are domiciled or they may apply online. The SSR will contact them in order to implement steps to assess their eligibility for this service.


Note: This service requires inputs from the Bahamas Employment Exchange

Application Form(s) 

The application is the General Assistance Form (GAF), which may be completed online by the applicant or in-office by the SSR at the Outreach Centre within their residential boundaries.

Supporting Documents 

For Citizens

  • Valid Passport.
  • Valid N.I.B. Card.
  • Current Pay Slip or Job Letter or Termination Letter.
  • Birth Certificate/Affidavit or Valid Passport of child or children under the age of eighteen (18) years, and Proof of Guardianship.
  • Marriage certificate and similar documents of identification for spouse, as indicated above.
  • Divorce decree or legal separation documents to verify status.
  • Doctor’s letter if unable to work due to ill health.
  • Letter from the Fire Department confirming the fire
  • Proof of home ownership.
  • Three (3) QUOTES from stores that are vendor-ready.

For Permanent Residents (Non-Citizens)

  • Valid Passport.
  • Proof of Citizenship/Permanent Residency.
  • Valid Work Permit.
  • Birth Certificate of child or children under the age of eighteen (18) years, and proof of Guardianship.
  • Marriage certificate, divorce decree, or legal separation documents, where applicable.
  • Doctor’s letter if unable to work due to ill health.
  • Letter from the Fire Department confirming the fire.
  • Proof of home ownership.
  • Three (3) QUOTES from stores that are vendor-ready.

For a copy of the Food and Financial Assistance Programmes Rates click here.

Turn-around time 

SSR makes contact within three (3) days of completing the application (Intake). The request is processed within (3) three weeks of contact. The client is notified by SSR of extended processing time or queries, if any SSR advises of outcome.

Applicant can ONLY be assessed for Fire Relief Assistance once in a twelve (12) month period.
Related Fee(s) 

There are NO FEES associated with this service.

For more information please contact 

Department of Social Services
Sunshine Plaza
Baillou Hill Road
New Providence
The Bahamas
P.O. Box N-1545
Tel: (242) 604-4200
Opening hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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