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Cooperative by-laws represent an agreement between members concerning the cooperatives aims, objectives and rules of operation, and they provide a sound legal basis of operation.

In accordance with the Cooperative Societies Act 2005 & Cooperative Societies Regulations 2012 (Proposed), all cooperative societies must have their resolution approved by the Director of Societies before they are ratified by its members.  Once approved by the Director of Societies and ratified by the cooperative’s members, the resolution becomes by-laws.   


All existing and new cooperative societies


Creating Cooperative By-Laws

  1. As a first step in preparing by-laws for a cooperative society, model by-laws may be collected from the Department of Cooperative Development.  Alternatively they may be downloaded using the link below.
  2. The proposed cooperative society must then create its by-laws using models provided.  
  3. All by-laws must be submitted to the Director of Societies for approval when seeking to start a cooperative.
  4. Once the resolution is first approved by Director of Societies, the members must then ratify the by-laws during the first general meeting.  Once approved and ratified, the resolution becomes by-laws.  
  5. The cooperative society is sent a written notice informing them that the resolution has been approved.  

Amending Cooperative By-Laws

  1. The first step in amending the by-laws of a cooperative society is to write a resolution to amend the desired section of the by-laws.  
  2. This resolution must first be approved at the annual general meeting or a special meeting can be convened for this purpose.  
  3. Once approved by the members of the society, the society must then submit the resolution to be reviewed by the Director of Societies.
  4. The director would review the resolution to ensure that it is in accordance with the Cooperative Societies Act.  The director may ask for additional information or justification to support the change.  
  5. The cooperative society is sent a written notice informing that the resolution has been approved.  
Application Form(s) 

No forms required.

Supporting Documents 

No supporting document required

Turn-around time 
Approval of cooperative society by-laws is completed within ten to fifteen working days. This may vary if there is need for further information or justification from the society.
There are no deadlines associated with this service
Related Fee(s) 

There are no fees associated with this service.

For more information please contact 

Department of Cooperative Development
P.O.Box N-3028
Levy Building
Bay Street East
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 356-3152-4 or 323-6605
Fax. (242) 356-4622
E-mail: coopdevelopment@bahamas.gov.bs 
Opening hours: 9:00 am to  5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

Related Services
Agency Contact Info
Cooperatives Development, Department of
Traders Building
East Bay St.
P.O. Box N-3208
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Phone: (242) 397-7400
Fax: (242)- 356-4622