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Applying for a loan with the Bahamas Development Bank is a simple process once all the required documents have been presented to your Customer Service Credit Officer.


The eligibility criteria for various business structures are as follows:

  • Sole Proprietorship (Business is owned by a single individual)

The Bank will only accept loan applications from Bahamian citizens who are citizens normally resident in the Bahamas and have attained the age of 18 years.

  • Partnerships/Joint Ventures (Business is owned by two or more persons)

For the Bank to consider lending to a partnership, 60% of both the controlling and profit sharing interest must be owned by Bahamian citizens who have attained the age of 18 and are normally resident in the Bahamas.

  • Limited Liability Companies (Incorporated under the Companies Act of the Bahamas)

As with partnerships and joint ventures, BDB may only consider loans to limited companies that are at least 60% controlled and beneficially owned by citizens of the Bahamas, who have attained the age of 18 and are normally resident in the Bahamas.  


For purposes of eligibility, ‘normally resident’ means that the applicant has resided in the Bahamas for a period of not less than 12 months immediately prior to the loan application being submitted.


Applicants can make their loan request in two ways – online or in person.  

  1. The E-forms found on this site can be emailed to the Bank, and an Officer will contact you within 24 hours to provide you with additional information.   
  2. You can also call or visit to arrange an appointment to discuss your proposal.  
  3. Once it is determined that your project request is eligible, you will be asked to submit various supporting documents.  Typically, a business plan is required for requests over $20,000.
Application Form(s) 

Two E-forms, a Project Summary form and a Personal Statement of Affairs are found on this site, and can be emailed to us at cserv@bahamasdevelopmentbank.com.   You can also bring these document with you at the time of the appointment.

Supporting Documents 
  • The documents required at the time of the application include nationally recognized identification, along with Character and Bank references.  Other required documents would be related to the project. (See Loan Application Checklist of Requirements on this site.) 
Turn-around time 
Once the Bank receives the requested documents, you should be able to obtain a response between 30 to 45 days.
Related Fee(s) 

You will receive a good-faith estimate of all fees from your Officer, but note that a small application fee, along with an Administration fee, will be charged.

For more information please contact 

Bahamas Development Bank
Cable Beach, West Bay St.
P. O. Box N - 3040
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas

E-mail: cserv@bahamasdevelopmentbank.com

Phone:  (242) 702-5700 (Nassau)
(242) 352-9025/6 (Freeport)

Fax:  (242) 327-5047 (Nassau)
(242) 352-4166 (Freeport)

Related Services
Agency Contact Info
Bahamas Development Bank
Cable Beach, West Bay St.
P. O. Box N - 3034
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Phone: (242) 702-5700 (Nassau)
(242) 352-9025/6 (Freeport)

Fax: (242) 327-5047 (Nassau)
(242) 352-4166 (Freeport)

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