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Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions


The Compliance Commission maintains relevant information on the entire local financial services sector as well as regional and international regulatory organizations.

Registration is required for all businesses & individuals designated as ‘financial institutions’ in section 46 of the Financial Transactions Reporting Act, Chapter 368.  The primary purpose of registration is to inform the Compliance Commission which businesses/individuals are providing designated financial intermediary services and are thereby subject to anti-money laundering supervision.


Only individuals and businesses providing prescribed services are required to register with the Compliance Commission.

  1. Complete and submit the Compliance Commission registration form.  These forms may be completed manually or electronically via the online form on the Compliance Commission’s website.
  2. Once a registration is received, the Commission adds the individual or organisation to its regulatory remit.
  3. The business or individual is sent correspondences confirming their registration as a ‘financial institution’ and advising them of their statutory obligations the most critical of which is the anti-money laundering on-site examination.
  4. There is no difference between a person accessing our online registration whether in Nassau or a Family Island. However, persons who correspond with us via postal service will have an obvious delay.


Application Form(s) 

Registration Form for Financial Institutions Supervised by The Compliance Commission may be collected 

Compliance Commission
Poinciana House
#34 East Bay Street
New Providence
The Bahamas

Supporting Documents 

No additional documents are necessary.

Turn-around time 
Once a registration form has been submitted, it is processed within one working day.
Registration is an ongoing process. All individuals and businesses are required to register as soon as they begin to provide the services designated for their professions or business line.
Related Fee(s) 

There are no fees associated with this process.


For more information please contact 

Compliance Commission
Poinciana House
#34 East Bay Street
New Providence
The Bahamas
Phone: (242) 604-4323, 604-4331, 604-4333
Email: compliance@bahamas.gov.bs

Opening Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm 

Agency Contact Info
Compliance Commission
Poinciana House
#34 East Bay Street
P. O. Box N-3017
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Phone: (242) 604-4332
Useful Links