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These screenings include height, weight, haemoglobin, blood pressure, vision and hearing measurements and tests, amongst others. Additionally grade 10 students receive urine analysis and a breast examination for the girls. A medical officer normally performs these examinations for the primary school students, while a Family Nurse or Senior Community Health Nurse conducts the senior school students.


  1. To identify “at risk” children.
    • Abnormal hearing.
    • Low haemoglobin.
    • Obesity.
    • Abnormal vision.
    • Referral and detected dental caries.
    • Heart disease.
    • Sickle cell.
    • Mongol.
    • Scoliosis
  2. To determine immunization coverage.
    • Boosters.
    • D.T,
    • T.T.
    • Polio.
    • MMR/Rubella.
  3. To list any other pertinent health information.


Any school child is eligible.

  1. Prior to examination, principal sends letter informing parents of the procedure.
  2. Parents/guardians complete and sign the medical questionnaire.
  3. Teacher/Guidance counsellor reports any problems noticed in classroom to health team.
  4. Child presents personal medical card to the school health team.
  5. Child participates in screening by nurses and health aide.
  6. Child is given a physical examination by the school health doctor (Senior school students only seen if the Nurses detect a problem).
  7. Child is referred to a specialty clinic, if necessary.
Application Form(s) 

Medical questionnaire completed and signed by parent/guardian

Supporting Documents 

Medical card stating child’s date of birth, address, mother’s name and immunization status

Turn-around time 
This varies by individual case.
Not applicable
Related Fee(s) 

Not applicable

For more information please contact 

The Department of Public Health
Poncianna Hill Building, Meeting Street
P. O. Box N-3730
Nassau, N.P.
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 502-4892
Fax.(242) 502-4874
Opening hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

Related Services
Agency Contact Info
Health and Wellness, Ministry of
Poinciana Building Meeting & Augusta Street
P. O. Box N 3730
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Phone: (242) 502-4700 or 502-4877
Fax: (242) 502-4711
Office Hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday - Friday, except public holidays
Useful Links