Chapter 22: Property Compensation

2200. No officer shall be entitled to claim compensation in respect of losses, or; of damage to private property incurred through: fire, theft, riot, or; otherwise, in the course of his service, but in special cases, a grant of compensation may be made as an act of grace.
2201. Cases of loss, or; damage arising through exceptional circumstances will be considered on their merits by The Permanent Secretary of The Public Service, but, even if compensation is approved, it will, as a rule, be given only in respect of articles actually and conventionally necessary at the place of the loss, or; damage when it occurred and, the amount of the grant in the case of loss, will as a rule be, limited to 2/3rds of the value of such articles.
2202. No grant shall, however, be made in respect of loss, or; damage which in the opinion of The Permanent Secretary of The Public Service was due to negligence for which the officer was responsible, or; which could reasonably have been covered by insurance.
2203. If a motor vehicle of a Government servant, whilst being used for official duties, is damaged as the direct result of civil disturbances, Government will accept responsibility for such damage. For the purpose of this General Order alone, use for official duties shall be deemed to include journeys between house and office.
2204. In submitting any claim for compensation, the Head of the Department where the claimant officer is employed:

  1. must certify either from corroborative evidence or personal knowledge that, he is satisfied that the loss or damage occurred in the execution of duty by the officer concerned;
  2. must certify that reasonable precautions were taken by the officer concerned to avoid such loss or damage;
  3. must, in the case of a damaged article, which shall be produced by the officer suffering the damage, inspect such articles;
  4. must certify in each case, whether repair, or; replacement of the article is necessary and, that the amount claimed is a fair valuation either to repair the damage, or; to restore the loss article.
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