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Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

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Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions


The  Fr. Marcian Peter’s Basketball Tournament is an annual national basketball competition held in December, for six categories of competitors:

  1. Primary boys and girls
  2. Junior boys and girls
  3. Intermediate boys
  4. Senior girls held

Persons interested in participating in the competition must apply to the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, Department of Sports.


Students ages 5 – 18.  All participants must be enrolled in a Government or Private School.

  1. The Department of Sports will send out packages to all primary school requesting that they identify interested participants for the Fr. Marcian Peter’s Basketball Tournament.
  2. The Physical Education Teacher must then fill out and submit the application to the Department of Sports.  
  3. The application should include all proposed competitors, along with a copy of the first four pages of each competitor’s passport.
  4. Family Island teams are given assistance from the Department of Sports to help with transport, food, and board.
  5. Once all applications are submitted, the Department of Sports places schools in the appropriate conference.  This governs which ones compete against one another.  
  6. The winners of each conference will face-off in the final championship matches.

Note: Once names are submitted, no changes may be made to the team.  

Application Form(s) 

Fr. Marcian Peter’s Basketball Tournament Package (may be collected at the offices outlined below)

Supporting Documents 

Copy of the first four pages of the passport for each participant included on the form.

Turn-around time 

Once entries are submitted by the schools, they are organised into conferences, by the Department of Sports. The competition roster is posted two weeks before the competition begins.

Deadline is usually outlined in the package, and is usually approximately one month before the tournament begins.
Related Fee(s) 

There are no fees associated with this service.

For more information please contact 

Department of Sports
2nd Floor, West Wing
Education Building
Thompson Boulevard
P.O. Box N4891
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 502-0600
Fax.(242) 356-2693
Opening hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

Agency Contact Info
Youth, Sports and Culture, Ministry of
Thompson Blvd
P O Box N-4891
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Phone: (242) 502-0600/5
Fax: (242) 322-6546

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions


Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

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