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Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) Actions

Minister LaRoda in discussion on the direction of Social Services
Authored by: Bahamas Information Services
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: July 8, 2024


Social Services Minister Myles LaRoda and Ministry Officials


GRAND BAHAMA, The Bahamas -- The Hon. Myles LaRoda, Minister responsible for Social Services, recently spent two days on Grand Bahama to meet with Social Services staff and discuss the ministry's future direction.  


Minister LaRoda reaffirmed his commitment to fulfilling the Davis Administration's promise to bridge the evident gaps and disparities between New Providence, Grand Bahama, and the Family Islands.  


He acknowledged that much of the current operation appeared Nassau-centric and identified a breakdown in communication as the primary issue.  The minister emphasized the importance of addressing this communication gap to ensure equitable services and resources across all islands and communities. 


He also made it a point to hear firsthand from the staffers in order to effectively address their queries and concerns. 


 A wrap-up of that two-day visit revealed that a number of concerns from the Grand Bahama team are already being addressed by the Minister, and that other issues will be considered.     



(BIS Photos/Lisa Davis)

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