Tender Bid Process


Tenders Board Overview

The Financial Regulations found in Chapter 359 Section 21 of the Financial Administrative and Audit Act (Commencement 14th February, 1975) established the Government Tenders Board and Award of Contracts by such Board and by the Government.   

The Financial Regulations states that the Tenders Board shall consist of the following three (3) members who constitute a quorum:

1. the Financial Secretary, who shall be the Chairman;
2. the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Works;
3. the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health; and
4. such other public officers not exceeding three as may be appointed by the Minister in writing from time to time.  

The Chairman shall in the case of any equality of votes have a second or casting vote.  The Minister may appoint a public officer to be secretary to the Board.
The functions of the Board shall be to make recommendations to the Minister of Finance for the award of contracts for supplies, works and services required by the Government in excess of fifty thousand dollars but not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
All awards of contracts for supplies, works and services required by the Government for amounts in excess of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars shall be made by the Cabinet.

Active procedures by the Tenders Board

Board Meetings

Meetings of the Tenders Board are held at the Ministry of Finance each Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.   Additional meetings of the Tenders Board are scheduled whenever necessary to accommodate urgent matters or matters of national importance particularly during the summer months for the execution of school repairs in preparation for the new school year and for infrastructural projects.  There is no set time for adjournment of meetings.

Tender Submission

Notices of tender openings should be sent to the attention of the Ministry of Finance at least one week in advance.  Tender envelopes submitted by the general public are received by the receptionist at the Ministry of Finance.  The envelopes are stamped with a battery operated date stamp and a Ministry of Finance crest stamp and initialed by the receptionist.  They are recorded in a log book and the deliverer signs his/her name in the book.  The receptionist then places the envelopes in one of two locked boxes next to her work station.  The keys for the locked boxes are kept in the receptionist’s unlocked desk drawer.  In some instances tender envelopes are submitted at the relevant Government Departments - which sometimes places bids in envelopes on behalf of the bidder - and then brought to the Ministry of Finance for placement in the tender boxes.  

Tender Report Submission

Four copies of Tender Reports by the Departments should be submitted electronically via tendersboard@bahamas.gov.bs or by hand to the Secretary of the Tenders Board by 12:00 noon Fridays.  Tender Reports along with an Agenda are sent to Board members for their review prior to its meeting.   


For the convenience of the bidding vendors, openings of submitted tenders are usually the first items on the agenda of the Tenders Board followed by project evaluations presented by Government Departments.

The Chairman introduces the Board and its secretariat and explains the tender opening process to the attendants.  Each envelope is opened and the pages containing the vendor’s acceptance to tender letter, the scope of works, and the project cost are stamped with the Ministry of Finance’s crest by the secretary and given to the Chairman who announces the project name, the company name, the bid amount and any other relevant information.  The Board initials the stamped pages. On completion of openings the Chairman would seek confirmation that bids of all vendors present were read.

The Board ensures the following aspects of Tender Reports for evaluations are present where necessary:
 three (3) quotations of similar products
 same and complete scope of works given to all bidders
 experience and/or capability of vendors
 recommended vendor’s amount in range of in-house estimate
 justification for works to be completed or justification for purchase
 justification for recommended vendor

Where all criteria are not met the presenting Department must re-submit the Tender Report.

Minutes and Approvals

The secretary prepares the Minutes of the Tenders Board forwards it to the Chairman; the Chairman forwards the Minutes to the Minister of Finance undercover of a Minute Paper recommending approval of contracts; the recommendations are returned to the Financial Secretary and then given to the Secretary to prepare approval memoranda for the relevant agencies.  

Notification of Award/Non-award of Contracts

The relevant Departments are responsible to notify vendors of an award or non-award of contract.

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