Special education is the provision of education for students with disabilities. Special education is most effective when a student's special needs are recognised, diagnosed and accommodated as early as possible. Special education is coordinated through the Special Services Unit of the Ministry of Education, which has the responsibility for Special Education throughout The Bahamas. The Special Services Unit provides:
- Speech, auditory and visual screening.
- Physical health intervention.
- Psychomotor evaluation.
- Diagnosis and remediation of learning and behavioural problems.
The Division also provides support for physically and sensory challenged students, parental and family awareness, and teacher education. Teams of service providers that include special education teachers, school psychologists, guidance officers, and school social workers have been placed throughout the school system to provide the most comprehensive services available.
In order to qualify for services, a child must require special education and related services due to his or her different abilities and learning style. In general, children with any of the following are eligible for Special Education:
- Autism.
- Traumatic brain injury.
- Mental retardation.
- Emotional disturbance.
- Specific learning disability.
- Speech or language impairments.
- Hearing impairments including deafness.
- Visual impairment, including blindness and partially sighted.
- Orthopaedic impairment.
- Other health impairment.
- Multiple disabilities.
- Developmental delay.
Parents or guardians can contact The Special Education Unit to find out about approved special education schools in their area.
Refer to the individual school as application forms may vary from school to school.
Refer to the individual school as supporting documents may vary from school to school.
This is dependent on the nature and complexity of the case.
New referrals are submitted prior to the ending of each term. All completed forms must be submitted by the end of the first week of the new term.
There are no fees associated with this service.
The Guidance Department in the various Public High Schools in New Providence and the Family Islands.
Ministry of Education
Department of Education
Special Services Section
Thompson Blvd
Phone: (1) 242 502 3776/502-8558
Fax: (1) 242 323 1156
E-mail: tapsmoe@gmail.com
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
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Safety Advisory: All Vessels Operating South of Andros and in The South-Eastern BahamasSee details...