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Youth Projects

Students Against Violence Everywhere

The “Students Against Violence Everywhere”  (SAVE)  Annual Back to School Rally is a youth programme sponsored by Her Majesty’s Prison to sensitize students to the serious consequences of crime, and the need for them to commit to living a wholesome, constructive and rewarding life, rather than a life wasted in prison. The SAVE programme is an affiliation of the United States International SAVE Programme.  

The objectives of this programme are to promote non-violence within the schools, and create awareness within students regarding crime prevention, conflict management skills and the virtues of good citizenship.

Her Majesty’s Prisons coordinate the activities necessary to enable the participation of students in the Rally.  Students from a cross-section of primary to senior high in the government and private schools, participate in this programme.

The Rally takes place in September of each year and lasts for a half day beginning in the morning.  The Honourable Dr. Bernard J. Nottage, Minister of National Security is the principal speaker at this Rally each year.

For more information please contact:

Mr. Patrick Wright
Superintendent (Acting)
Her Majesty’s Prisons
Fox Hill
P.O. Box N-504
New Providence
The Bahamas

Tel. (242) 364-9800
Fax. (242) 324-4941

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