Bahamas National Drug Council

Health and Wellness, Ministry of

#11 Eugene Cooper Building, Village Road,
P O Box N 9348
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas

Phone:(242)325-4633 / 4



To reduce the demand for illegal and illicit drugs through the provision of evidence based prevention, early intervention, treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration programs.



A Bahamas where substance misuse is reduced and every person affected by substance use is empowered to improve their health.



 Transforming Lives, Empowering Families, Rebuilding Villages”


Core Values:

The Bahamas National Drug Council commits to its vision through a mission based upon the following core values:

Advocacy: BNDC engages in actions and activities that seek to positively influence outcomes directly affecting the health of the individuals, families, and communities served.

Collaborative Relationships: BNDC partners with Governmental Agencies, Allied Organizations, Non-Government Organizations (NG0’S), and International Organizations namely: ( Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Organization of American States (OAS), Caribbean Community (CARICOM), The Cooperation Programme between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union on Drug Policies (COPALAD)  to minimize the harms caused by the use and misuse of substances and promote rehabilitation and recovery.

Excellence: BNDC is committed to provide sound and comprehensive evidence informed policies, programs, and actions.

Integrity: BNDC is committed to the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior.

Client-Centered: BNDC is committed to providing an accessible and relevant continuum of care system that is focused on achieving balanced mental health for each individual.

Diversity and Inclusion: BNDC values the unique differences of each individual and recognizes each individuals unwavering right to life, respect, equity, inclusion, and dignity. With this foundational pillar The Council provides a compassionate, nurturing and expert approach to demand reduction.

Purpose Statement:

The Bahamas National Drug Council is committed to the development of universal and selective prevention, early intervention, treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration programs for the promotion of health and welfare of individuals, families, and communities hence diminishing the unwanted consequences of drug misuse.


In May 1984, the Government of The Bahamas appointed a National Task Force to undertake a rapid assessment of the illicit drug situation in the country.  On the completion of this assessment, the government established The Bahamas National Drug Council (BNDC) in February 1985. BNDC is charged with the responsibility for the development and implementation of drug prevention efforts within The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.  To this end the BNDC is mandated to:

  • Reduce/eliminate drug misuse via a cooperate effort between government and voluntary agencies;
  • Educate, mainly the adolescent public, on the hazards of drug misuse;
  • Determine and monitor the prevalence of drug misuse;
  • Initiate forums for the dissemination of information and opinions on the danger of drug dependence and drug misuse;
  • Acquire financial assistance to implement the above programs to further the aims of the council.

Considering this mandate, holding the following documents at its foundation (The UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS) 2016, Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) Hemispheric Plan of Action on Drugs 2016-2020, and  the cabinet approved The Commonwealth of The Bahamas National Anti-Drug Strategy 2017 – 2021)   in February 2019 the BNDC broaden  its focus to include taking measures to reduce the misuse of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other illicit Drugs (ATOD) or prescription drugs through education, prevention, treatment, and research initiatives.  Hence the BNDC established the following areas of service priorities:


  • Support the establishment of program standards in the areas of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and social integration, taking into account gender, age and cultural relevance, as appropriate.


  • Establish a structured, collaborative drug prevention network comprising Government entities, civil society, academic institutions, Non -Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and other social actors for the implementation of demand reduction programs.


  • Development and implementation of evidence-based Universal Drug Prevention programs in the school, family, work, and community spheres.


  • Development and implementation of selective prevention programs targeting at-risk youth.


  • Development and implementation a training and development strategy to build a cadre of prevention professionals and advocacy gatekeepers


  • Strengthening of comprehensive care, treatment, rehabilitation, and social inclusion programs and services in the public health care network.


  • Provide oversight for the establishment of the Minimum Standards of Care for Rehabilitation and Treatment Services in the Bahamas.  


  • Awarded Public Procurement Opportunities Report
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  • MOHW Consultancy Opportunity - Individual Consultancy to Update the COVID-19 Guidelines
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