Environmental Health Services, Department of

Environment and Natural Resources, The Ministry of

Farrington Road
P. O. Box SS 19048
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas

Phone:(242) 322-8037
(242) 323-2295
Fax:(242) 322-8120
Areas of Responsibility

Environment Control
Solid Waste Collection and Disposal
Public Sanitation
Beautification and Maintenance of Roadsides, Sidewalks and Road
Verges, Parks (excluding the Queen Elizabeth Sports Center) and Beaches
Montagu Beach and Foreshore
Western Explanade


The department has undertaken an aggressive programme to expand and deliver improved services throughout the nation. Sub-divisional offices presently exist on the islands of Grand Bahama, Exuma, Abaco, Andros, Bimini and Eleuthera San Salvador, Inaqua, Acklins, Crooked Island and Long Island.

  • Draft Bahamas National Standard (DBNS) - For Public Comments
  • Office of the Judiciary Vacancy Notice - Director of Information Technology
    See details...
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