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Postnatal Home Visits

Immediately following discharge from the hospital, mothers and newborn babies are visited at home as part of the Maternal Child Heath’s ongoing and comprehensive care. Postnatal healthcare nurses visit the mother and infant within ten days after delivery. Up to three visits may be conducted. During these visits, a physical exam of mother and baby is carried out. Additionally, the mother is further educated on self care and special care for her baby (for example, care of umbilical cord, feeding, dressing/bathing the baby, and changes in schedule and adjustment for the family).

Birth visits are made to new mothers up to 28 days post-delivery by the Community Health Clinic nurse responsible for that district. A follow-up of the initial visit is carried out, and an appointment for the child’s first check-up is given.

High-risk infants are infants at risk for developing chronic medical conditions or developmental delays are visited more frequently by the Community Health nurses. A general assessment of the home environment and how the family is adjusting is made. Recommendations are specific to each babies’ condition and referrals are given as necessary.

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