Ministry for Grand Bahama holds orientation for Summer Youth Employment Programme
Authored by: Bahamas Information Services
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: June 30, 2024

GRAND BAHAMA, The Bahamas — Students enrolled in the Ministry for Grand Bahama’s Summer Youth Employment Programme are set to embark on a four-week internship following an orientation exercise outlining their responsibilities and roles in the workplace.

Six hundred students are enrolled and 100 businesses are participating in the 2024 Summer Programme in Grand Bahama with placements beginning Monday, July 1.

The Ministry for Grand Bahama held orientation for the first cohort of interns at Freeport Bible Church on Friday, June 28, 2024 at which time they were given their placement packages and a brief talk in the dos and don’ts of work ethics and etiquette.

Minister for Grand Bahama, the Hon. Ginger Moxey welcomed the students and, while imparting words of wisdom during the orientation, she cautioned them not to take their summer job experience lightly as it can potentially be the open door to a great career opportunity.

“No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, you can achieve success, once you are focused, dedicated and committed,” she said.

The job placement Summer Programme is designed to afford the students an opportunity to gain exposure to the workplace, develop a strong work ethic, and instill a sense of purpose within each of them.

“I want you to approach it with the mindset that you are a valuable asset to that team. Being a valuable asset means you have a responsibility to perform well and behave appropriately,” Minister Moxey said.

“Whether the task you undertake is big or small, each contributes to achieving the larger goal. We value hard work and dedication.”

The programme provides valuable opportunities for young people to gain real world experience, develop essential skills and contribute to their communities.

Pointing out to the students that their job placement this summer is the beginning of something special and unique, Minister Moxey further told the interns that they were chosen out of the many applicants and encouraged them to enjoy the journey and learn all they can.

FIRST COHORT – The first cohort of 300 students enrolled in the Ministry for Grand Bahama’s Summer Job Programme received their job packages and a pep talk from Minister for Grand Bahama, the Hon. Ginger Moxey during orientation at Freeport Bible Church on Friday, June 27, 2024.    


(BIS Photos)

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