Bahamas Information Services

Public Notice

Cane Toad Sightings
Published Date : September 22, 2023


Cane Toads have emerged in Western New Providence since August 2023 in goodly numbers. In particular, several subsequent sightings were at LPIA. These sightings have led to a joint task force being established with several Governmental agencies: Department of Agriculture, Department of Environmental Health Services and NAD to remediate this situation.

 Residents are advised that the catching of Cane Toads is strongly discouraged. No one should try to capture these toads with the bare hands as the venom produced can cause sever skin irritation. The actual ingestion of the venom is toxic to both and humans and pets. 

To stop the proliferation of these animals the public is advised to remove sitting water receptacles. The best barrier is a chemical barrier. This chemical barrier is composed of simple household items: 


2 Cups of Dettol/Savlon or any similar Antiseptic 

1 Cup of water Combine together and place in a spray bottle. 

As these animals prefer dark and damp conditions it is recommended that spraying takes place in the early mornings or late evenings. 

Cane Toads are native to Central America, Mexico and Rio Grande. The toad was purposely introduced into the Caribbean Region to control pests related to the Sugar Cane crop. Should a spotting of Cane Toads occurs in your area please contact the Department of Agriculture at Telephone number 397- 7450, or the Department of Environmental Health at Telephone number 322-8037. 

Let’s all do or part to ensure a safer Bahamas. 

This statement is prepared by the Department of Agriculture in conjunction with NAD and the Department of Environmental Health Services

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