Chapter 24: Staff Suggestions Scheme

2400. All Government Servants will be reminded from time to time that, it is open to them to contribute to the efficiency of The Public Service by suggesting improvements in organization and procedures, in particular in those procedures with which they are immediately concerned.
2401. Suggestions should be made in writing and, sent direct to the Head of the Department. All suggestions will be acknowledged and, they will all be considered by a Staff Suggestions Committee that will meet regularly.
2402. Where suggestions are not adopted, a brief statement of the reasons therefore will be sent to the officer responsible for the suggestion.
2403. Where suggestions are accepted and, put into effect a brief reference to the suggestion and its adoption and, the name of the officer who made the suggestion will be published and, the officer's personal record will be noted.
2404. The design and use of forms are particularly capable of improvement as the result of suggestions made by members of the staff who, use them in the conduct of day-to-day public business.

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